Invest In Real Assets
Investing in Real Estate is one of the best and most guaranteed instruments in the world. We have created a diverse portfolio with in-depth risks analysis and maximum profitability for Clients and prospects ranging from Landbanking, House flipping, Estates Development Partnership, Assetbanking, and Mortgage banking.

Asset Banking

Housing Estate Solutions (co-ownership, co-investment), Land banking, build to sell, rental properties and House flipping.

Agriculture Estate

Our agriculture estates called PALM RICH ESTATE is the fastest selling real estate product in Nigeria today. With three (3) estates in three states (Lagos, Ogun and Ondo) of Nigeria and over 1000 acres of cultivatable land, we provide the best and most suitable Asset Banking option for all agropreneurs and other investors in Nigeria.

Industrial Estate

Our industrial estate is located at Palm Fortune city – Africa’s Premium Tourism and Agriculture City. Our industrial plots are focused on promoting effective and adequate agro processing to aid food quality and security in Nigeria. It also offers investors the opportunity to earn from the agriculture value chain.

Commercial Estate

With a focus on e-commerce centric projects, our commercial plots are available for development of malls, warehouses, etc.

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